Lister Clinic / Dr. Maphisa & Partners Inc. / Services & Prices / X-Rays | Radiology
Lister Clinic® | Dr. JI Mistry Inc.
Diagnostic Radiologists
“Affordable specialist x-rays, ultrasound, HSG, CT scan and other specialist radiological investigations.”
Please come to Dr. Maphisa & Partners Inc.
3rd Floor or 4th floor, Lister Medical Centre
195 Rahima Moosa (Jeppe) and Small Street
If anyone attempts to divert or escort you to another floor or practice in the building, please come straight to 3rd or 4th floor and report immediately.
To view Lister Medical Centre, Click here.
For navigation directions to parking via Google maps or Waze, Click here.
Walk-In Entrance
Walk-in entrance to our Johannesburg branch is on Corner Rahima Moosa (Jeppe) and Small Streets, between McDonald’s and KFC.
To view walk-in entrance, Click here.
For navigation directions to parking via Google maps or Waze, Click here.
Affordable Doctors | General practitioners | Family physicians | Dispensary | Medical examinations | Sonar | X-Rays | Medical & surgical procedures | Laboratory tests | Short stay admission for observation & stabilisation | Specialist & hospitals referrals
Affordable Dental Practitioners | Dentists | Scale & polish/cleaning | Extraction | Restoration | Filling | Gold/silver | Crown | Inlay | Root canal treatment | Dentures | Bridges | Other dental procedures
Affordable Specialist Sonar | Anatomical Scan | Pregnancy ultrasound | Rule out foetal abnormalities | 4D sonar | Sex determination | Abdomen | Pelvis | Prostate | Testes/scrotum | Thyroid | Doppler | Cardiac echo | Other ultrasound investigations